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About Vinovest
What is Vinovest?How does it work?Why should I buy wines through Vinovest instead of buying retail?View AllInvesting
How long does it take for Vinovest to buy wine for my account?Can I sell my wines at any time?Can I select the wines for my portfolio?View AllOwnership
Who owns the wine in my portfolio?How do I know that I really own the wine in my portfolio?Does my wine portfolio come with an insurance policy?View AllReturns and Liquidity
How and when do I earn a return?What is the typical hold period for fine wine?Are the wine and whiskey markets liquid? How easy will it be to sell my holdings?View AllStorage & Taxes
What are the value-added tax (VAT), duty, and tariff implications for fine wine investing?Where is my wine and whiskey stored?Can Vinovest help me buy/sell my personal wine collection?View All
Whiskey Investing
What is the minimum deposit amount?What is the difference between the offerings?Is whiskey transacted in US dollars or British pounds?View AllFees, Minimums, Payment
Does Vinovest charge fees?Does Vinovest offer discounts or promotions?What are the minimums for the different investing plans?View All
How do I list my wine for sale?How long does it take to sell my wine once listed?How will I know when my wine is successfully listed?View All
What are the benefits of active rebalancing?What criteria does Vinovest use for active rebalancing?During a rebalance, would Vinovest sell any of my wine at a loss?View All